Oooooh! That's The Way That We Belong by Wendy smile

I haven't checked, so I hope to goodness this one hasn't been quoted already;

A scrap of cloth was caught...

Caught in the wood of the closet back?

How could that be?

She lifted her head, tracking the smooth, unbroken lines of the square of wood that formed the back of the piece, then put a hand to the joints and ran it slowly over them.

She found nothing she didn't expect to - just an ordinary, everyday, wooden-backed closet.

Only...only it wasn't, was it?

She looked again at the incriminating scrap of cloth.

Scarlet cloth.

Her heart stopped. She was sure of it. Her breath froze in her throat. Time stilled.

And all of her carefully ordered thoughts of moments before flew out of her head.

Very familiar cloth.

Trembling, all at once, she reached out a shaking hand and put the tips of her fingers to the scrap. Almost half certain that it would fade and dissolve before her eyes before she could touch it. But no, there it was. Real. And solid under her fingers. Silk. In a very familiar shade of red.

She took back her hand and released the breath she'd been holding in a soft, sudden rush.
Sara smile

Death: Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.

Meet Joe Black