/me slaps head... Of COURSE it was Lost and Found! blush And Julie's cluechie is Pam's wonderful Tryst .

Okay, try this:

"The E-Z Cut home hair cutting kit?" She looked up at Clark. "I don't understand."

Clark pasted an apologetic look on his face. "Well, it wasn't the way I planned for this to go, but given what you said this afternoon outside the Planet, and knowing what a person of your word you are... "

Many emotions played across Lois' face as she tried to place the conversation Clark was referring to. Slowly her look turned from confused, to disbelief, to wariness.

"What is this all about, Clark?" Her tone was guarded, almost as if she was afraid of what he might say.

Clark stood up and backed away from the table. "Perhaps it'd be best if I just show you."

Suddenly Clark began to spin. He immediately became a blur that quickly changed colors from the green and tan of his shirt and pants to a bright blue and red. A few moments later he stopped and the person standing in Lois' kitchen wasn't Clark anymore, it was..."

"Superman!" Lois put her hand to her mouth.
Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*