This is a haircut challenge vignette, namely "Hasty Words" by Tank Wilson!
(And, Julie, nice choice, I love "Tryst"! Wendy, I'm sorry blush , I didn't check this topic for a few days!)


Lois set out on the short walk back to the hospital, still trying to
figure out why Clark was behaving so strangely. What had happened?
Had she said something to him to make him uncomfortable? She
couldn't think of anything. She heard an odd noise overhead and
looked up. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. It was a man
carrying another man, flying through the air. The man landed with
his passenger in a darkened corner, not far from the hospital. She
ran toward them, in utter disbelief. The man emerged from the
shadows, this time walking, still carrying the other man. As she got
closer, she could tell the second man was injured badly.

Without thinking, she crossed the distance between them. She called out "I'm
a doctor!" The mysterious flying man froze. She looked up at his
face for the first time and gasped.

"''re the...the...." She tried to form a coherent
sentence and failed.

He stared back at her, his expression a mixture of confusion and
panic, but mostly shock.
Simona smile