This is the lovely "Shaken not stirred" by Irene Dutch, a revelation story which I like very much!


"I never met my father. He died before I was born. I
do feel I know him. My mom has kept him alive through
pictures and articles and long discussions at night.
My grandparents still buy him a birthday present and
a place is always set for him at the table on
holidays. My daddy will always be part of our lives.
Even if his body is never with us, his spirit will
live on."

Lois' gaze was glued to the man at the table. His
reaction was so strong; He was mesmerized by Clark's
words; His right hand was clutching his leg, the tick
in his jaw.

The what?! Lois unconsciously moved a step closer to
the edge of the stage. Her eyes wondered over the
face of the man sitting next to her surrogate
parents. Suddenly she gasped. Aware Clark was still
speaking, she covered her mouth and tried to force
herself to concentrate on his speech.
This is not the usual Oh-my-God-Clark-is-Superman revelation, but I love this story so much (its author knows it very well!) that I have to insert it here!

Simona smile