Owwww! Clark as Zorro! This is My other secret identity by Cindy Leuch
And now:

Confused, she looked from Clark to the glowing rock in Hendricks'hand, then back again. Then her eyes grew wide with sudden realization and she gasped as things began to fall into place.

Clark was Superman!

The room started to spin crazily and the blood drained from her face. Instantly, everything began to make sense: all those times when Clark had made a hasty retreat whenever some crime or disaster was taking place, all thosse ridiculous excuses, and most of all, why she'd never seen the two men together.
But before she had time to sort out the flood of emotions that threatened to everwelm her, a loud shout brought things around her back into focus. She saw that once again Hendricks was moving toward Clark, causing Clark's tormented cries to fill the air.

"Stop!" Lois shouted frantically, finally understanding what was happening. "Get away from him! You're killing him!"
One of the very first fic-stories I have read!

Simona smile