This was a dificult... but the Guardian means...

Gone in a Flash by Betsy smile

He squeezed her hand as he steeled his nerves to tell her
what he had to. "Lois, I need you to listen to me." He
waited until she met his gaze. "I need you to call Dr.

"Bernie Klein? Why?"

"He's the only one that can help me."

"But he's a scientist at Star Labs."

"Yes. He also studies Superman's biology." Clark squeezed
her hand again. "He's my doctor, Lois."

She took in his words, noticing for the first time that he
wasn't wearing his glasses. He couldn't possibly be saying
what she thought he was saying. Slowly she reached down and
smoothed his hair back on his head. "Oh God!"
Jose smile1

"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way."

Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial

A Bad Week in the Wizengamot