Hey, I got one! This is Zoomway's Counter Clark-Wise . And now I've read it again <g>.

And here's mine, from a story I've always loved...

"You know what else?" Clark continued as he stood and walked to place his dishes in the sink. "That latex I found down by the docks last week? It was a piece of Finn's "Johnny" disguise which was designed to throw everybody off." He looked at her, expecting a nod of agreement. Instead, though, her brow was wrinkled, and she looked confused.

"But Dr. Klein told me that Superman had found that latex," she said.

Clark stopped. Wasn't that what he had said? He thought back. Oh no! In his excitement about piecing together the case, he'd slipped and admitted that he had been the one to find the latex. "Uh... I mean, I was with him... err, he gave... told me..." he stammered. What was he going to do? She'd caught his mistake right away. "Um..." And now he couldn't think of a way out of this one!

Lois jumped on his hesitation, running down a laundry list of the incriminating evidence he'd just given her. "He couldn't have given it to you, and you couldn't have been with him. Dr. Klein said that Superman had found it last week. You weren't even in the country last week!" The story forgotten, Lois stood up and walked over to him. She was now looking at him strangely, almost as if she was seeing him for the first time. Slowly, she reached a hand up to his head, running her palm along his forehead and straight back, effectively flattening his hair along the way. Then with the other hand, she reached up and took his glasses from his face.

Clark stood there helplessly, unable to move. He felt as if the entire experience was beyond his control, and all he could do was wait for her reaction. He could feel the hand on his head trembling as understanding dawned in her eyes. That look only lasted a moment, though, before it was replaced with cold hostility.

One word was all she said, but one word was all she needed. "Superman." Her tone was low and accusatory.
Have fun!