This is the very original idea by Tank "That blind sister of mine"! Just loved it!

Another story I love:

"Yeah, right. What makes you different?" she asked while
she placed mugs, sugar and milk on the counter.

"Well for starters, I'm Kryptonian." He let out a breath of
relief. He'd done it. He'd told Lois the truth.

"Give me a break, Kent. You're from Smallville, Kansas. You
wouldn't know Superman if he stared you in the face."

His breath caught in his throat. He'd finally worked up the
nerve to tell another human being and she didn't believe
him. "No, Lois," he began deliberately, "you wouldn't." And
in one smooth motion, he lifted one hand to run his fingers
through his hair pulling it off his face, while he used his
other hand to remove his glasses. At the same time, he
stood taller, his shoulders back.

Lois froze, staring at the transformation that was
occurring in front of her, trying to comprehend the meaning
of what she was seeing. Clark, the man she was having
sexual fantasies about, who kissed with a passion that she
had always wanted to experience, was really Superman.
Simona smile