That's actually a canon line. I too thought it weird, especially after Lois tells Clark in Neverending Battle that LexCorp employs a million people in Metropolis, which I've always considered to be an exaggeration. In PML she also says that Lex funds half the scientists in the city, put that together and you've got more then a thousand people in Lex Luthor's employ. Luckily, it works well for a Lex-C line. [Big Grin]
I guess it works as a Lex-C line. Perry tells us in "Smart Kids" that Metropolis has 12 million people. My first reaction is unless it is a company town on the order of 1950s Flint, Luthor employing 1 million there seems a bit much. We learn that Lex owns Utilities, transportation, the phone company and broadcasting, plus Lex Labs and all the things Walter O'Neil held, which I got the impression was mainly factories. Lex may well have 1 million employees in Metropolis, if Perry was giving the city proper figures, and so Lex may have employees in the city who live beyond its borders, or if Perry and Lex have different ideas of Metropolis. Even without that, if Lex owns most of the major factories in the city, plus the company that runs the docks and such, maybe him employing a million in a city of 12 million is not that hard to believe.

John Pack Lambert