Hmm, I just noticed this story is almost 100 parts longer than "Once Bitten".

Clark tried to drag his gaze off Lois and back onto his tax forms.
Why bother, she will be gone soon enough. She is much better looking than tax forms.

She looked amazing in that black cocktail dress.
Clark maybe you should take her to the opera too.

She had pulled the front of her hair back with a clip and the line from her jaw down her neck to her shoulders and…
Lois: hyper Clark appreciates my look.

She had dressed up for Luthor, not for him.
Maybe she planned to go into the office all along. Maybe she didn't want Luthor to come so she could steal a kiss with you Clark.

His hands squeezed into fists, breaking his pencil. It was his fault.
At least he admits the truth.

If had only agreed to fly her out to Smallville,
Ithink you want to say "if he had".

they could be talking,
Lois:Talking? I was more thinking of smooching.

instead of Clark wanting to incinerate her date.
Well, since he is only a clone.

He had nobody to blame, but himself.
Good, he faces up to the truth.

Actually, that wasn’t true. He could blame his partner.
No, that is unreasonable.

Lois could’ve called him, instead of agreeing to go on a date with Lex Luthor.
Do you have tickets to Amdeame Butterfly, Clark?

There was no way she could deny that an evening at the opera was ‘just a meeting between a reporter and her source’.
I think he means "claim". either that or she can't deny it is a date.

He was trying hard not to jump to the wrong conclusions, but he was finding it difficult.
She still only wants you Clark.

I think this is an emotionally more harrowing encounter than it was in canon. Even knowing Lois is not really interested in Lex does not help me feel much better for Clark.

Suddenly, Clark heard Cat giggling out in the hall. His gaze jumped off Lois to the stairwell door.
frown that he stopped looking at Lois.

Guess Cat was right. She was over Phil.
A lot more than Lois is over you Clark. See, you never see Lois moaning with desire for Lex. Only you Clark, only you.

shifting her gaze to Lois and Luthor, where she lost her train of thought.
Now she knows either there are two Luthor's, or he pointlessly drove the jaguar somewhere.

“What are you doing here?” Lois asked.
Cat:I work here, if you hadn't noticed.

Clark raised a brow and shook his head. That was his best friend, all right.
frown that Clark thinks of Cat as his best friend. That title should be reserved for Lois.

“Better luck tomorrow,” Luthor said, patting her shoulder.
He is truly overly patronizing. IS this line from canon, or a result of the clone?

“Shall we go? If we leave now, we can still make the curtain.”
Lois:If Lex thinks I would give up on a story, he really does not understand me.

Her lips pressed together in annoyance,
party Lois is annoyed at Luthor and Clark can tell.

but since Luthor was standing behind her, the man probably couldn’t tell.
frown that Luthor is not directly experiencing Lois's anger.

A part of Clark hoped she turned around and belted the billionaire in the gut for his remark.
That would be so fun.

True, it was the same part of him that wanted to incinerate the man, starting with his hideous tie, but another, larger, part of him wanted it to be Lois who knocked the man down to size before running into Clark’s waiting arms.
Aw, why can't we have that happen?

He knew neither part was being realistic, though.
They still need to make up from when Lois threw coffee on Clark.

John Pack Lambert