John: Thanks for the FDK. I know I'm behind in responding to lots of your other FDK, but I'm trying to keep in front of cushion. I almost delayed posting 108, because I didn't think 114 was quite there yet, but then decided it would as is. Please be patient with me. blush I haven't forgotten.

I think that should be "he was". The other possibility might be to start with "only", but you might need to do some other changes to, so it would be less of a stright forward fix.
Thanks. I believe in one of the drafts I had started this sentence with "Only". Fixed.

I was hoping to learn who Lois saw in the mirror.
We'll get there. Be patient. But I have a requirement to my Readers to show both LnC in each part. wink

<<dance>> a writer who understands sound does not travel in outer space.
blush Um... Thanks. I didn't know that. I meant that there wasn't anyone up there to hear him. Why don't sound waves travel in space?

I am wondering if you want to say "his ardor", if it is what he is sensing in her.
Yes, you're absolutely correct. It was a poorly constructed sentence. I mean "His ardor" which reflected the ardor he sensed in her. I'll fix... somehow. <<in need a 'how will I do that?' smilie>> Fixed! (I hope. I used the above description.)

I knew this was a key to what he could tell.
It always seems to be.

Lois knows he is SM, but I do not think she has internalized what it means for their interactions.
Sometimes one makes sounds one doesn't realize one is making.

He is just hearing this, not peeking to see it, right?
Hearing and seeing (although not with x-ray vision). She's standing and has her back to him, so he can see her shift her stance and hear the ever so lightly contact of flesh to flesh.

With his hearing even looking away will not save him.
Did I mention his self-control isn't the same as canon Clark's?

Clark:Who needs to read minds when you can tell the outsard signs?
CLARK: Still, I would find it helpful.

I really, really hope Lois lied about the hospital.
smile1 Thank you. This Clark doesn't sugar coat things... obviously.

So probably not before Wells returns.
He thought "proper couple" not "intimate couple".

I would say it was because she had a Clark she had built a deep, long-standing, committed relationship with through a lot of struggle.
You say tomato, Clark reads potato. wink

Maybe he should have stolen a time machine and gone and rescued her.
But Herb convinced him that this was a better option... There's no way, you'll ever forgive Herb is there?

Even if he could convince her the curse is real, which I doubt he could, I do not think she would agree to leave him, nor do I think she could survive the hurt that would cause.
First they have to survive this investigation.

I doubt he will. He could not even bring himself to break up with her for her own good. He is not a good enough lunkhead to go through with this lunkheaded plan.
Yep, he's pretty bad with follow through. He knows what's "right", but he doesn't always go there.

Lois:Clark, I can see how maybe this story about you being from another dimension might be right. I mean, if you say you can't remember Superman, and such, maybe it works. Maybe I even time traveled back, it might explain the odd images I have. Still, this guy who claims to be Wells never gave you any proof that I would die. I see no reason we should accept this "curse" as real.
Yep, that's far out there.

This will not work, even if the impiossible happens and Lois agrees to this lunkheaded plan.
LOIS: SM = CK = LH laugh

I love "back in" followed by the a future time statements.
Well, it works for Clark.

So are we assuming that canon was out of order?
It never made sense to me why the presidential election was in Feb? Please! I always shift it to Nov where it belongs. Civics! Hollywood writers. Did anyone of them graduate high school?

I dislike Lana more every time she is mentioned.
LANA: Well, Clark's memory of me is quite biased, if you must know.

CLARK: :rolleyes:

Now how is this change from canon explained? Well, other than the EW wanting to make things different and more intense.
Who me? cool See above explanation.

Well, in the 1990s with the economy booming, coffee shops had to take whoever they could get.

Love the Lois lines.
Thanks. I figure this Lois is a bit more sure of herself and her position in life than canon Lois was at this point. She knows that Clark's Superman, and he adores her. It gives her strength.

That alone shows which one is the more important journalist.
See, in canon she just assumed Linda didn't know this.

Lois:And keeping an eye on me, since he cares about me, I am special to him.
Plus, he doesn't need much sleep.

It is what Perry says he wants.
That still doesn't make it the truth.

Lois:I guess Linda sees such as not good, since she is still trying to get a story on the front page, but when you have had the lead story as many times as I have, it is ok to share on occasion.
Partners. They stick up for one another.

I think that should be "what to do".
Thanks. Fixed.

The only way it would be worth telling the information is if she could link it to a broader, nefarious plan.
LOIS: Exactly what I was thinking.

Would LNN and the Star ever tell that part though?
They might, but only in passing.

Lois:But I did call for Superman. CK=SM.

I guess she can't explain this without revealing The Secret. Especially since SM has never told her about kryptonite being real.
Actually, I believe he said that he wasn't sure if it would kill him on their flight out to show SM the spaceship. (or on the flight back to Metropolis afterwards.)

Lois:Maybe I should have worn it, then I would have learned that CK=SM much earlier, or not. He would have made up some belivable excuse for being ill.
But, boy, that would have been some sad Christmas at the orphanage.

Lois:No wonder Clark was there. I guess maybe I should actually call it "Clarkie bear".
Clark Bear fans united against Clausy bear.

<<crying>> for Lois being forgotten.
That mall scene was based on a real life event.

And we have to sait to learn what Jimmy has discovered.
But if I don't leaving you wanting more, what makes you keep coming back? wink BTW: Thanks for continued readership. laugh

EDIT: And here are your two points.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.