“Yes, and no,” Lois admitted. “Yes, I wish I hadn’t kissed another man and betrayed your trust, but…” She took a deep breath.
hyper she's going to tell him she knows.

“I’m glad I realized that by kissing him that there isn’t any other man I could ever want, but you.
Or not exactly. Although I still think she should realize she has only wanted one man for the last nine months, when she thought she was becoming a cheater like her father.

I’m glad for that knowledge; I just wish I could have obtained it another way.”
Lois:Like you telling me you were Superman months ago.

Clark slipped his arms around her, so that he was hugging her from behind.
dance they are hugging. I like this.

“There isn’t anyone else I would ever want either,” he whispered, kissing her cheek and down her neck.
This is probably the best response he could do.

“And I do trust you.
This would be more believable if it was clear he knew she had met with Luthor again.

Let’s get out of here, so I can tell you how much.”
Or does he mean show her?

“Superman does; otherwise, he wouldn’t be coming by my apartment checking for cameras,
Now she really is messing with his mind with her knowledge of the secret.

nothing happened between us.”
This seems like unneeded protestation, but on the other hand Lois' suspicion would get tiring.

“What’s the point of pretending we’re not dating at work, only to meet up afterwards for a dinner date?
Clark:What's the point of loving you if I can't be with you.

“So, it’s like we actually did break up,” Clark said, his face falling.
He does have a point.

John Pack Lambert