“It’s nice to have dinner and talk with someone without ulterior motives,
She is really a good liar if Lex does not see through this line.

“I promise I won’t mention him more than in passing from now on.”
If she pulls that off, she is really a good actor.

“Yes, but we decided that it was best that we keep our partnership strictly business from now on and be nothing more than friends,” Lois said.
Clark:I so do not like this setup.

“I want to focus on work from now on, not romance.
I guess one reason this cover works for Lois is it agrees with her past actions.

“Of course not!” he exclaimed, stepping into this elevator he rarely used himself.
So if she does not need his protection, why is he coming?

“I wanted to reassure you that not all men sleep around. I, myself, have never been attracted to the likes of Catherine Grant.”
This sounds like overly specific denial to me. So he never sleeps with Cat, but that tells us nothing about who he may sleep with.

Mrs Cox:Lois should know to not expect exclusivity from Lex. I don't.

Her gaze became startled, as if she couldn’t imagine any man turning down such a strumpet,
I guess if she is saying that Clark didn't, she needs to present such a view.

“I wanted you to know that with me, you’d always be safe,”
Lois:Safely inprisoned.

Kent must have only have been the latest in a line of men who had hurt her, because no matter how hard she tried to mask the disbelief in her eyes, it was still there.
Or she has finally seen through your lies, Mr. Luthor.

Was she going undercover, or trying to blow Clark’s sky high?
It does sound like she is going for the later option.

“You’re wearing an entire dress.
clap This is the perfect follow up to the half-dress comment for "I'm Looking Through You".

“No. Can’t a girl get dressed up every once and while?” Cat said innocently,
But Cat does dress up, it usually involves even less clothing than normal.

and was actually surprised that she hadn’t noticed him in the room.
She really should have gotten a Clark-trakking device.

but thankfully the only available seat left was at the other end of the table next to Perry.
frown it is so much more fun when they sit together.

wondering if she would have time to get to EPRAD and back in time during her two hour window.
Too bad she can't have Superman give her a lift.

She stiffened her back, annoyed at herself and at Clark for not informing her of his quick return.
After how she reacted to him not telling her he was leaving, I am surpsied he didn't mention his return.

Clark:But, but, returning is a good thing. She was worried about my leaving because it scaredher, returns don't really need to be announced.

“Thank you, Clark,” Cat purred, causing him to smile. Clark did like to make people happy.
He is lucky Lois really does not think what she told Lex last night.

“Do you even have anything in common with him?” Clark went on.
This could also be seen as a dig at Lois' relationship with Luthor.

It was strange, though. Lois had always thought of Cat as a party girl, not a gold digger; it didn’t seem her style.
This is a useful observation. Cat going after a rich man never seemed in character in canon. Now it makes a lot more sense, knowing about Phil.

“Well, I figured if it was a lifestyle choice good enough for you…” Cat said, leaving the end of that thought hanging as she shot Lois a glare.
Now that is a new, low hit. Cat seems to have taken protecting Lois being undercover to the extreme, or not believe her at all.

Was that what this was? Did Cat think that Lois was lying about her association with Lex, and trying to out her, subtly, in front of Clark?
Interesting theory. It does fit what is happening.

Unfortunately, Cat was about as subtle as a freeway pileup.
clap I have to agree with this line.

Cat thought she was being a good friend to Clark, by letting him know what Lois was up to behind his back. Of course, that would mean that Clark had let Cat know he would be back in the office today, but not her.
Well she did break up with him.

Clark turned to look at Lois with alarm. She shrugged to imply she had no idea to what Cat was referring, and thankfully Clark seemed to buy it.
They really should talk.

When Clark refocused on Cat, Lois scowled at her. The last thing that Lois needed was Clark to become paranoid about her having one dinner with Lex.
On the other hand, if Lois can use dinners with super-rich men as a way to get information, why shouldn't Cat?

“Now wait a minute. You mean to tell me that you’re going to bamboozle this guy into thinking you’re a straight arrow?” Perry inquired.

“That’s my plan,” Cat replied.
I guess this goes to why Lois and Cat's plans do not really seem all that similar. Lois did not set out to date Lex, but to interview him, and she never tried to alter her image in the process.

“The ‘Magic of the Night Ball’ is next Friday night, and I’m hoping you’re all planning to attend,”
So it is in a week?

John Pack Lambert