OK, so you basically skipped Thursday except for the end of the dinner with Luthor. We will have a week to build up to the ball.

Was that what that remark was about, or did her partner hate magic as much as she did?
Clark:Magic includes curses. I hate it with an undieing passion. Partly because curses seem to create a passion that kills.

She saw Clark reluctantly nod in agreement while not quite inwardly groaning. Maybe they could go together, laugh at the clowns, and then bow out early…
smile1 an almost date.

except for the fact that they couldn’t.
They could say they were there to cover a story.

Clark glanced over at Lois and caught her staring. Instead of shifting her gaze away, she smiled at him in a reassuring manner.
Clark:She smiled at me. Maybe there is hope for us yet.

His brow furrowed in puzzlement as if he couldn’t understand why she had smiled at him. Could he really not know,
He is a lunkhead, so yes.

or was he that much better of an actor than she had given him credit for?
Well, he did have her convinced he was two different people for nine months.

“Me, too. My docket is full with the Eugene Laderman trial. So, you’ll have to cover any new kidnappings on your own, Clark,” Lois said.

“And I would hate for another child to be abducted,” he said gently.
Clark really does seem a bit annoyed at her if he is making such underhanded replies to her comments.

She heard Cat tittering across the table from her. “Well, of course, I meant that too,” Lois said.

“Sure you did,” Jimmy mumbled.
The real reason Jimmy left, he made one too many rude comments to "Mad Dog" Lane.

“And the only yahoos out there, are the ones leaving the Daily Planet for the Metropolis Star,” Perry went on.
This sounds like a narrow appoach to their market potential.

“If we need a naked woman for page 6, I’m sure Cat would comply,” she said.
The Star is more low brow than I thought. Although that would undermine Cat's new image.

“Not anymore,” Cat said, pushing her fake glasses up her nose. “I’ve given up premarital sex.”
Which technically does not prevent nude photography.

Clark shook his head. “Superman pushes the Nightfall Minor out of orbit, and yet all anyone can talk about are the little meteorites, which he didn’t zap away after crashing into Nightfall Major. There’s no winning for that guy.”
If Lois did not know now, she might start to suspect.

“Take Olsen,” Perry said, and Jimmy sat more erect at being given this assignment. “We need something for the front page.
A photo of a space rock on the front page? That seems extreme.

With the gas explosion, I was wondering if it was the result of lots of scientist in Lex's bunker doing experiements.

“You’re welcome, Wally. The next time I can find out more information on one of your stories by talking to one person as opposed to five, I’ll keep the information to myself,” she retorted.
This is such a Lois response.

she would have thought twice about agreeing to cover it as a favor for Jimmy’s cousin, Jimbo. Eugene was one of his instructors at Metropolis University of Technology.
You set that up ages ago when you had Jimbo transfer there over the summer? Hmm, it does make sense though. Jimmy was such a computer wizard later on, one would think he would have studied computers. He hardly seemed to be a photographer at all.

She was either losing her mind, or someone was stealing her pencils.

They better not touch her stash of Double Fudge Crunch Bars.
Nah, he remembered he does not eat sweets.

She opened the door, crossed to the shelf, removed a new box of pre-sharpened pencils, and then turned to return to her desk only to find her way blocked by Clark.
smile1 although I was half expecting to have Superman come in through the supply closet while she was there.

Clark had run off after the meeting before they could catch up.

Actually, this was the officially first time they had a chance to talk, as Lois and Clark, since their faux-break-up on Monday.
They had not talked at all on Tuesday?

“Dead end,” he said with a shrug.
Or was the source a ruse to go be Superman.

“How’s he doing?” she asked, more out of habit than for any other reason.
She really opened herslef up there.

Clark stepped closer and hesitantly ran his hand over her hair. “He wants to know why we broke up, and he’s hoping…” His voice shook slightly. “It wasn’t because you thought… that you and he…” He cleared his throat, shifted his feet uncomfortably, and glanced away.
Lois:Yep, Clark is a lunkhead, and he didn't listen to me.

“Uh… Lois?” Clark said, resting his hand on her arm to stop her. “You know I can’t punch Superman, don’t you?”
Lois:Why not? You just take your arm and smash it into you other arm. Pretty simple really.

“No,” she grumbled, although she’d pay that five dollars she had just won from herself to witness such a fight.
She would pay five dollars to see Clark hit himself.

“I want you to remember that this break-up is only temporary until we find out who abducted you…”
Lois:And get him in jail, but Clark does not need to know that detail.

“That it’s just a ruse in case you’re being watched…” Another jab,
Of course that is not Lois' real goal.

She couldn’t finish her thought as Clark’s lips descended onto hers.
party more kissing.

“I meant every word I said. Which one were you confused about?”
She does have a point. She has not contradicted anything she said.

Lois said tersely, stepping out of his embrace.
frown that they aren't touching.

“Was it when I said…” She lowered her voice, “That I love you?
He really did not hear that fully.

Or that I need you to trust me?
He does not do that fully.

Or that I need time to deal with the overwhelming feelings of remorse I’m having because I had cheated on you?”
Bringing this issue up on Lois part does seem a little disingenous.

“Or is it that because you don’t consider ‘kissing’ as a form of cheating?” She shot him a suspicious glare.
He better correct that idea of she will think he kisses Cat. OK, since she knows what he really means, not likely.

“No! Of course I do, Lois, but he’s…” Clark glanced around, and clearly decided this wasn’t the place to talk candidly.
frown He wimped out again. He was so, so close to telling her, and he wimped out. I am beginning to doubt he will ever tell her.

“He’s different?” Lois rolled her eyes. “I wish you’d get it through your thick skull that to me he isn’t some hero you worship in this scenario; he’s my ex.
Lois:Well, at least my fake ex.

Kissing him should be on par as kissing any other guy, maybe even worse, because out of all the people in the world, he’s the only one who could steal me away from you,
Hopefully Clark hears "Lex has no change".

I wish you could see this from my point of view, about how awful I feel about this.”
Maybe she should take on a fake identity.

Clark set his hands on her shoulders. “I forgive you, because I love you and don’t want to see you in pain, Lois.”

Bull hockey! Lois doubted the validity of that statement.
I think she is a bit quick to reject his line. He does love her and not want to see her in pain.

If she had kissed any other guy, whom he didn’t happen to be impersonating, Clark would have been crushed, hurt, and mad.
I guess she is probably right. Although I think more crushed and hurt than mad.

The only reason he forgave her was the plain and simple reason that he was Superman and, therefore, didn’t see the kiss as cheating.
I think he would forgive her if she had kissed someone else. Maybe not as quickly, but he would.

“Do you wish the kiss never happened?” he asked softly.
Clark:I do, I so, so do.

She wished she hadn’t kissed Superman out of revenge for what she had assumed Clark had done to her. She wished she hadn’t jumped to conclusions about Cat and Clark or believed Clark had cheated on her just because Cat was willing.
I am glad she fully realizes she acted rashly.

On the other hand, Lois also wouldn’t take back what she learned from that kiss.
But she probably would have figured it out without kissing him, with a disoriented Superman matching a disoriented Clark.

She didn’t want to go back to being in the dark about Clark’s – or was it Superman’s? – alter-ego.
Well, she is still only partially in the light.

She merely wanted to have that knowledge without having cheated on Clark to get it.
A fair enough sentiment.

John Pack Lambert