Originally posted by John Lambert:
But he didn't realize she was being attacked until after he got there.
CAT: Still! In your scenario, I'm fighting for my life while Lois is getting super loving. That's not right.

If he only would learn.
To quit while he's ahead?

I am not sure she would let him live even that much time.
I'm allowing her 24 hours to get her hands on some Kryptonite.

Clark:Lois wanted me to talk with her in the shower <<hyper>>. I want to hear more about this.
dizzy To stop Nightfall? Uh... don't I want her to survive?

Lois: Well he didn't mention he had a wife to them until we arrived at their place.

Cat:He claimed you were his wife?


Cat:And why did you ever doubt he loved you?
LOIS: Did I doubt his affections? Yeah, I guess I did. Um... because he thought by saying he was my husband he figured he could score a shared bed with me... just demonstrated how he was just like all the other guys out there.

CAT: I know L.L. stands for.

LOIS: Duh! Lois Lane.

CAT: No.

LOIS: evil Canon Clark did.

Not really, but I guess I hoped we had made it through the really complexed curves. I mean, I hoped the incident at the hospital would solve some problems, OK, maybe not really, but faintly.
At least one more loop-de-loop before the river cruise stage... maybe more.

This was weighing the options from Lois view, not my own. Actually, I am torn about Cat doing that. I want Clark to tell Lois upfront and totally.
LOIS: I'm not holding my breath.

EW: No. Plus, Klein already has an established relationship with Superman, so it doubtful he'd get an invitation.

JOHN: I think I missed that deviation from canon.
Back when Superman returned after being absent due to Lois getting shot, he staged a press conference with the "how fast am I" flight test, and the boxing match with Tommy the Wrecking Ball. Dr. Klein was the scientist from STAR Labs who helped him with that demonstration and gave him the physical exam afterwards and deemed him unhurt.

Clark: The less Luthor knows, the more options of dealing with him I have.
So, Superman should just tell Luthor he's a four-eyed weakling? That might lead him to Clark. wink

Luthor: hardly, I have fooled her many more times than just once.
LOIS: Oh, goody. More games. Just what I wanted.

OK, maybe I did. However I still wish she would just always think of him as Clark.
LOIS: Why would think him always as Clark? It's just a place-holder name, like "Chuck" or "Superman" until he tells me his true name.

Now I really want to know what idea I gave the EW.
I really wanted to write it up for this month's challenge, but I've already been distracted by other short story ideas, and I don't want to fall even further behind, so it will show up later on... but don't worry, you'll absolutely hate it! laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.