Cat’s eyes widened. Did Clark not know that Lois had discovered his secret?
Clark thinks Lois knows. This will be interesting to see if she can convince him she does not know.

Knowing that big goon, he probably kissed her and flew off.
Clark:OK, maybe I should have been more explicit. However she said "clark" as we kissed, and I tild her we would talk. I really had to call Henderson and then stop Nightfall.

Reader:Still, you should have been a bit more clear, and said "Lois, I know you didn't know I was also Clark until just now, but I think I wanted to tell you, I even gave the Kent's a letter to give to you if I didn't return that told you that I was Clark." I guess though that would have been more coherent than their conversations normally are.

“Lois,” she groaned. “He hasn’t known who he is for the last few days. Give him time to recover fully and get used to you two as a couple again, instead of just as friends. I’m sure he’ll tell you then.”
This is a good point. I wish Cat was a bit more explicit in saying he has not recovered his memories.

Lois scowled. “Trust me, Cat. He’s had time.”
When? At what point since she told him she loved him did he have time? On the other hand, has she realized this was what he was going to tell her when they got interupted, the thing she explicitly told him she did not want him to tell her? Or is that just too harsh a memory. I guess it is easy to see things from Clark's standpoint when we understand why he listened to Herb's ( grumble grumble grumble ) no good advice. grumble grumble grumble at Herb. He really messes everything up.

Cat contemplated this. “Did you two hook up during ‘Revenge’?”

“No!” Lois adamantly denied, which meant they had or they already had by that point.
Well, in some ways Lois is really telling the truth. However I think her anger at Clark right now is fueled by her really feeling they did hook up.

“I’m not discussing this with you,” she went on.
It would be nice if she would discuss it with Clark. I wish he would have been more open about his reasons for what he did, although I do understand why he is hesitant to tell Lois about the curse.

“And I’m not going to let you hurt or punish Clark because your pride was bruised,” Cat said. “Talk to him. You must know that he doesn’t go around telling everyone.”
This is a good argument. I don't think it will work with Lois though.

“He didn’t tell me. I figured it out, so don’t blame him for me being more observant than you,” Cat fired back, pointing at her.
I have to for the first time ever admit that it is good for Clark to have Cat as a friend.

Lois knocked Cat’s hand away and pointed her finger in Cat’s face. “Well, I’ll have you know…” Her voice faded and her hand fell. “You’re right. You’re absolutely right.”
dance Lois is going to talk with Clark.

“You aren’t going to tell him that I know,” Lois demanded.
frown or not. However at least her reasoning won't be built so much around anger.

“Someone’s trying to kill him, Cat.”
This could be very bad for his secret. Of course both Lois and Cat think his secret was exposed by the killing. Hopefully he recovers his memory soon on this matter, but I doubt it.

“That means someone out there, out in Metropolis, has Kryptonite.
Although Lois is probably right that Luthor has kryptnite, in reality Clark was exposed to kryptonite last controlled by Lois.

What I need to figure out is whether or not the person behind this knows that Clark is Su…” Lois went on.
I am really worried about this.

“Shhhh,” Cat interrupted with a hiss, glancing towards the newsroom to make sure she had closed conference room door. “Rule number one: we don’t talk about Clark’s secret identity. Rule number two: Clark doesn’t have a secret identity. Rule number three: we don’t even allude to it, most certainly not here, or anywhere else someone might overhear us.”
Cat does have a good point.

“Fine!” Lois grumbled. “Send me the manual. I’m going to investigate the attack on Clark, who might be behind it, and what exactly they know. I need to figure out if whoever is trying to kill him knows about his past.”
Since even Lois does not know about his past this will be an interesting exchange. I wonder what Lois would surmise if she found the picture of alt-Clark's parents that has been stolen by Luthor's agents.

John Pack Lambert