Perhaps a lonely mermaid found him and kept him warm all night?

LORI: Oh, am I in this story?

LITTLE MERMAID: It wasn't me!
Please no Lori.

As long as he at least sees a picture of her, I am sure that he will prefer Lois. Her name alone is a bit more iffy.
She means to be there when he does the asking. Plus, she's trying to get Henderson to admit that Clark has no memories.
Henderson though seemed to be trying to formulate a way to get his way, and that might involve not having Lois there at all.

HENDERSON: That doesn't make any sense. Who would have good memories of Lois?
Some one who has kissed her so often it broke our kiss-count meter. Of course since it was calibrated to work with the first season, and thus did not have to go above 10, that was not very hard.

Lois is more resourceful then I expected. she is going to get Clark.
LOIS: Ha! And you doubted me?
Well, she has not figured out his other job yet.

Henderson meant other kinds of arguments, but clearly, Clark doesn't win those either.
Clark:But why would I want to argue with this beuatiful women at all. All my memories of her involve her doing things I like. Arguing might just make he want to touch me less.

But he wasn't in the hospital due to his amnesia, he was in the hospital due to his hypothermia and concussion.
Lois:OK, but they should have let me be in there with him.

No one else could watch him so closely, or will enjoy the watching so much.
CAT: <<raises hand>>
Lois:OK, no one else watching him will be as liked by Clark.

Being told that she was galatically stupid didn't help either.
True, although to be fair, that appelation applies to all her contemporaries. Even Diana Stride only figured out because of her tracking devices, and it took multiple ones even. She botched the first round because she did not realize if you want to sneak up on someone with Super-hearing, you should not discuss that you are doing so anywhere near that person.

Lois:Hah, that's what they think. I know more about what my partner knwos than these people who think they have kept me away from him.
Right, and Lois would admit this upper hand for what reason?
Lois:That is why I didn't say anything, but I can still gloat about it to myself.

A lot better for Kent's emotions too. If it was just a safety issue it should have been very easy to get Lois to shift her attachment. It was more built around him seeing himself as Clark first.
Of course, Superman could've always told her that he was also Clark Kent.
I don't think I every fully grasped why he didn't. It might have something to do with what happened when he told Lana, although clearly Lois is not turned off by his extra-terrestial origins.

This is sounding more like advice from Dr. Deter.
Yes, that's where I got it from, but based on Lois's reaction when Clark told her that they were engaged and that she loved him, I'm guessing it was the only right piece of advice Deter gave.
But that was so strong in part because she thought she was in love with Dr. Deter. If he had not proactively sabotaged her relationship with Clark, and stolen the flowers he gave her to repackage them as a gift from him, maybe she would have been OK with that revelation.

LOIS: But most of the times that he slept at my place I was there too.


LOIS: blush I mean...

when he slept in the other room. Well, except for that time he slept in my room with me... but not with me... but next to me... we're just friends and work colleagues.
Actually there were at least two times he slept in her room. However only one of those times was he in her bed.

why would someone assume that he would have such a picture of his sister?
Because she's trying to figure out if he's married or seeing someone?
So they didn't tell this nurse he has amnesia? Or is she just daft?

John Pack Lambert