John: Yea! It's Monday. Time for FDK responses.
I was right, it was the drawing.
What? Sorry, that was supposed to be Henderson's library card. wink

Oh no, she is going to leave without really talking to Clark.
Me-sa an Evil Writer, remember?

Well, maybe not yet. I guess this makes sense, I was just hoping they would talk sooner.
[Linked Image] They do talk in this part.

That would have been before Superman ever appeared, right?
That would be the chest she saw at the Apollo Hotel, right.

LOIS: drool

I hope the nurse shuts the door.

I was hoping they would get a little time together.
They DID get some time together. They just weren't fully mentally competent at the time.

Well, she is right that his actions are caused by the knock to the head.

I guess I was wrong.
I was originally going to have him notice her in the background of the Superman photo, but I figured that she'd probably be too blurry to see properly.

Now she knows something is really wrong.
I love your play-by-play.

Sounds like he watches LNN too much and bies without thinking their slanting of the news against Superman. I do hope Clark recovers to be able to go and stop the rest of the astroid, but at the rate things are going that seems unlikely. OK, maybe I should not give up hope yet, but he has a lot to remember.
Yep, Clark has a lot to remember, but at least he won't be blowing any taxi cabs into fire hydrants, right?

And, LNN biased? Nah? [Linked Image]

Lois knows now? How will she interpret what Clark did?
Good questions.

He knows there is some connection. Although he was only half conscious as well.
But is loving Lois like she was pin-up model the same as truly loving her?

I think she is disconting how deeply Clark feels the connection. Although I guess it makes sense that she is hurt that what she hought was them connecting on a very deep level was not what she thought it was.
[Linked Image] Plus, Lois makes many generalizations about men.

At least she is not vowing to kill Clark. Hmm, although since he did moan "Meena". Or did he really? And was it load enough and distinct enough for her to be sure that was what he said? Hmm.
Because Clark without his memories is like an innocent bystander.

Clark is more right than he realizes.

Lois:What, Clark is confused. This is worse than I thought.
Lois didn't hear this part, or she'd have realized how right Star had been.

Well she is super in many ways, but not the saving the world kind.
LOIS: [Linked Image] Excuuuuuuuuuuse me!

I was hoping ths would be loud enough for her to hear. At first I wondered if she was so mad she did not respond. However, considering that she would have probably become less mad, my guess is she didn't hear. Although maybe she just really did not want to deal with the police.
She didn't hear, because a) he didn't say it that loud, and b) she's currently swearing at Henderson in her head and can only hear that.

I hope he asks her that question when she shows up in a way he can be sure she is there.
[Linked Image]

Yep, having Officer Jones shot her would be bad.
It might change Clark's reputation in town.

Hmm, this is a detail Lois overlooked in her assuming her connecting with Clark meant nothing. He had the picture of her, so when she showed up he could know they had some sort of connection. I guess though with how shocking it was to learn he had amnesia, and that Henderson had neglected to tell her this very important detail, this fact that would suggest that Clark might have been able to know who she was probably escaped her thoughts.
LOIS: It would make sense for him only to remember me, being that I'm so important.

CLARK: You're that pretty woman from my dream.

LOIS: wallbash

He knows she was there.
He knows it's possible that she could have been there.

Unless he uses Chuck as a nickname.
CLARK: I thought Chuck was a nickname for Charles, not Clark?

at least he still has that. that Lois left, but I guess she could not have stayed in any case.
Clark needs his sleep.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.