Anyway, if it had been Thomas who got hit in the face with the branch (let's say by accident), you wouldn't be faulting him, now would you?
Lois:Thomas has never claimed to love me. Clark has, therefore he should be more tolerant of me and my actions, and forgive me more.

She kinda hoping it will blow up in his face, but yeah she's going along for the ride to see where they're headed.
I think it already blew up in his face, but maybe I am just being too pesimistic.

No, sorry, this will not be sweet and fluffy canon GGGoH.
whinging we are. Hmm, I am just hoping there is some redemption somewhere. Maybe I shouln't be though. This is called "wrong Clark". Hmm, maybe I should just give up all hope.

However I can't. I am still hoping we will somehow get Clarkie bear out of it. I am not giving up on the hope for Clarkie bear yet.

John Pack Lambert