A 3-part FDK for this part? [Dance] Stretch your fingers because Part 47 is a bumpy ride. [Evil]
blush It was an accident, honestly. Also, that means I should FDK while reading the first time, then?

LEX: It's always easier to pay money for something if one doesn't then have to expend effort.
Yes, unless one already got hired thugs on the payroll and can have them deliver the goods and prep them so there won’t be effort required. On an unrelated subject, Nigel recently oversaw the installation of chains in Lex’s sleep chamber.

LEX: I would but then I wouldn't get my once a year visitation where I can do anything I please to her.
Clones? Surgically modified look-alikes? He could still do things once a year and on the plus side, he could make a killing when he’s done.

quote: Umm…no?

LOIS: <Hands on hips> Are you saying that I'm *easy*, Michael?

quote: That’s where the anti-bug spray comes in. You know, into Lex’s throat.

HENDERSON: That counts as murder.
Nitpicky much?

EW: <Searches for tinfoil hat>

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I go by Michael on the Archives.