Well, I didn't feeel I should comment again, but I have to speak in defense of that poor, maligned genre - the "waffy" story. smile Nothing wrong with such a story when it delves a bit into character exploration and development, solid narrative with perhaps a bit of darkness or also a bit humour - it's the complexity that makes for an interesting story.

A story that comes across as merely 'sweet' is probably not particularly well-written (unless it's one of those charming, and actually very difficul-to- write- well, one or two page vignettes). So it's a bit of an apples and oranges comparison to compare that sort of with Terry's fic.

As well, it's not an 'either or or' choice - there's a range of fics out there, and we can't perhaps assume that someone who was a tad distressed by this fic prefers only sweet waffy fics. It may well be that they don't like those especially either. smile Maybe they only like Vampire-Clark fics <g>

But what matters for many of us is that the characters of *both* Clark Kent and Lois Lane be handled with respect and integrity, - that issue is perhaps what lies beneath some of the concerns (although clearly not all) in the comments on this thread. I did not get the impression that people were saying they preferred only waffy stories, in fact. Only that they didn't want one of the toys broken at the end. smile

Thanks, Terry, for adding a note about your future intent to include warnings. I'll be one of those who will appreciate that. smile

carol (fan of Lois Lane, as well as Clark Kent - but you knew that didn't you smile )