There are probably a few people on these mbs who have some medical knowledge of brain function and it would be great to hear their take on this.

But it sounds like Lois is suffering some brain damage - she's exhibiting behaviors that are more extreme than what we have seen in her. As well she seems to have lost her ability to feel compassion and her idealism. It sounds almost like she has become a sociopath. So what has happened to her brain to account for these behavioural changes? Did the freezing damage some parts? I understand that brain tumors can affect a person in this way, but I know so little about the brain.

As for Clark - well he's a hero - sometimes that just means hanging in there and persevering, helping. Being torn up about it, sure - but Clark Kent would act too, I think, not turn his back, particularly as he is the one who has damaged her. The harderst thing is to stand by someone you love whose personality has changed because of a medical condition. But we do stand by the people we love and do our best to help. Would Clark Kent see Lois Lane as expendable?

I fear here we are getting away from Terry's story and getting into larger questions, so maybe this is inappropriate?
