Okay, here's another take on what may have happened to Lois. Maybe it isn't strictly brain damage as such, but rather the developing of a phobia, namely "altruism-phobia"!

Remember the woman I talked about in my earlier post, the woman whose brain was cut in two, so that she literally became two persons? That woman was most certainly "in two minds" about what dress she should wear. But I think that many of us are "in two minds" about many things we are going to do.

Imagine that Lois was "in two minds" about offering herself to be frozen so that Clark's parents could be saved. Before the freezing took place, the dominant aspect of her personality was determined to be altruistic and offer herself. But when the actual freezing took place, the part of her that was reluctant to be frozen was "scared to death" when she, and it, almost died. After she was revived, this other part of her hated her altruistic self, because it had so nearly gotten her killed. The non-altruistic aspect of her personality totally subjugated her altruistic self. From now on, she would be completely selfish and never think of anyone's well-being but her own.

Maybe, just maybe, Lois can get over her "altruism-phobia", in the same way that people can get over kinds of phobias. But the more sociopathic she becomes, and the worse things she keeps doing, the harder it will be for her to get over her "sociopathy", and the harder it will be for people to believe in her again. If Lois indeed suffers from "altruism-phobia", she needs help, and fast. Again, Clark is duty-bound to try to help her.
