Well, I guess there's no utopia in store for this version of L&C's society. I'm glad I waited until the story was completely posted before I read it. It's a very powerful story, but such a horrible tragedy, and I certainly wouldn't want to drag it out. I like at least a little joy mixed in my stories, even if they wind up somewhere tragic in the end.

As it is, I think it needs more of a warning posted before the story, especially if you archive it. If I'd known there was such a WHAM! embedded in this story I might have steered clear (although I would have missed a fine story if I had done so) But well written or not, it's also really excruciating and hopeless, and for that reason readers need to be prepared so that they can be in the right frame of mind.

ETA: I know that a warning isn't required; I just think it ought to have one. This board and the archive aren't typically that dark because the show was more in the vein of a romantic comedy, so this story might catch some readers off guard. That was my only point.

Oh, and I agree with the statement that this dangerous, amoral (soulless?) Lois needs taking down.