It's been very interesting reading the feedback in this thread. While it is quite true that 'wham' warnings have never been obligatory on these borads as Kathy says, there was at one time a general use of them as a consideration for those readers who aren't up for wham endings. However, in the last couple of years that convention seems to be going by the board ( just realised that's a bad pun - sorry) .

For me, as a fan of Lois Lane as much as Clark Kent, it's sad to see Lois so easily discounted as expendible. For me Lois Lane is as much what defines Clark Kent, as it is Clark Kent who defines Lois Lane. (and I'm gathering in this fic he redefines her quite literally laugh ) They are both key key to the "Story" in the larger sense.

I can see Clark Falling for someone else eventually. Maybe when Perry hires Lois' replacement. I've never been a big fan of the whole soulmates thing anyway. I also can see how not having Lois as a consideration will make it easier in the NK arc
expendible, replaceable Lois, here in this quote. frown

I'll add here that I'm an admirer of Terry's writing skills (would that I could write like that - clean, uncluttered prose) as well as his ability to construct good B plots.
