Interesting. There are a several requests for Clark to bring Lois down, after he brought on Lois's personality change by freezing her in the first place.

Which makes me wonder what the FoLCs here would think of a story where Lois accidentally changed Clark's personality, turning him into an evil Superman, so that it fell on her to bring Clark down and kill him.

Personally, I would never suggest that Clark kill Lois. I meant that she needed to be exposed and stopped, and possibly imprisoned.

But on reading the latest post I've revised my opinion, a little. Everyone was too compliant with Lois's bad behaviour, and that makes them a little complicit in it too.

In particular, both Clark and Superman should have, all along, shown Lois that there would be consequences for her wrong actions. Clark and Perry shouldn't have put up with abusive or unethical behaviours from her at the Planet. Later, when Lois sold out their position, endangering lives, Superman should have been present to provide support and to defend them, and afterwards to take her to task as he would any wrongdoer. Was he just not paying attention to the operation?

So my conclusion is that, if she does other illegal or unethical things in future, (which this version of Lois most certainly will) he should be there to stop her; he should keep as close an eye on her as he did when he was in love with her, because he feels responsible.