Is Clark responsible for Lois' radical change? Only partly. Remember, he was against it at first but Lois talked him into it. And we all know he was never very good at saying no to her.

I too find it somewhat incredulous that Lois has survived so long with out the constant intervention by Big Blue. Now that she is at LNN and not in proximity to Clark and the Planet on a Daily basis, she has no chance of staying healthy for much longer. I have to think that someone who she uses, abuses, steps on, or just ticks off will not be so reluctant to take action against her as Perry and Clark were.

Lois' roughshad antics will either cause her to lose her job, or her well-being before too long.

I can see the epilogue now. Lois Lane has finally ticked off Intergang once too often and is snatched and thrown into the icy cold Hobb's Bay. Superman, still feeling guilty, finds out about it and rescues her, sort of. Lois has suffered from extreme hypothermia and her body is virtually frozen. Using his heat vision, Superman warms Lois' body gradually and by some miracle, saves her life.

But there has been another critical impact on Lois. Her personality has changed again. Now Lois is.............?

Tank (who thinks that a proper haircut for Lois might have moderated her attitude some; after all, a short haired Lois always liked Clark)