The objections are all coming from this proxy battle in your heads and therefore the objections are emotional and not rational. You are equating all Muslims with terrorists.
Excuse me? Given that Terry said, “there are many Muslims in the US who heartily disapprove of the events of 9/11”, Pam said, “there are many, many Muslims [who do not adhere to the more radical elements of the Koran]”, and I specifically thanked the “moderate”, “peace-loving Muslims” who have spoken out against the mosque, I am at a loss where you found anyone on these boards “equating all Muslims with terrorists”. I submit that it is *you* who is carrying on an emotional and completely irrational proxy battle in your head against imaginary Islamophobes.
don't you feel manipulated? I mean there waz skeeery moozlims in that spot for years before FOX news decided to exploit bigotry
The campaign against this mosque is one of the ugliest and most odious controversies in some time. It's based purely on appeals to base fear and bigotry. There are no reasonable arguments against it.
it is turning into an excuse for islamophobes to spew their ugly
I find it interesting that the posts in this thread with the most emotion-charged (and, I would add, sarcastic and insulting) language, are not those made by the opponents of the mosque, but rather by you.

By the way, and since I so seldom agree with anything you say, I feel it is all the more necessary for me to acknowledge when, in fact, I do agree. And I agree with you completely regarding the Constitution and property rights. In fact, it is for this very reason that I suggested the building of an additional interfaith community center – namely, that I do not see any legal, constitutional way to prohibit the building of this mosque. It would have been nice if, as a gesture of good-will, they had agreed to move to an alternate location. But, alas, they did not, and given that it is, as you say, on private property, there’s not a whole lot I, or anyone else, can do about that.

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster