BUT - should a situation reach a point where there can be no compromise and should my husband (who has been directed to love me as Christ loved the church - ie is willing to die for me) genuinely believe that a certain way is best for me, him, our marriage, our children, and our family, it is my God-given responsibility to submit.
I whole-heartedly agree Corrina! Sounds like my (or is it mine?) and my husband's marriage is very similar to yours - though we've only been married 4 years! laugh

I want to comment on everything I've read but wouldn't even know where to begin. But since I started this thread ( blush ) I suppose I should make a few comments.

(1) Regarding the mosque: my 'slap in the face' comment was much more eloquently explained by Pam. I agree with everything she said. As far as the law goes, they should be able to build the mosque there but I can't help thinking there are ulterior motives, etc etc etc. Rac, I have really enjoyed your posts - thanks for giving a different perspective!

(2) Regarding woman's rights - Ann, I know you are a strong advocate for woman's rights and I think there are most definitely women who are mistreated and it's good for them to have someone out there who will speak up for them. However, I do sometimes think that your strong passion for this can 'skew', if you will, your interpretation of things (such as comments by other Folcs, bible verses, etc). I agree whole-heartedly with everything Terry said but I most certainly am not a womanizer/woman hater/chauvinist pig, etc. as you had implied about Terry (though I do see you apologized).

(3) Regarding Christianity, I think it was best explained here by Terry

The Bible is not a book designed to change cultures or societies. It is a book intended to show that man is incomplete without the Lord, and that the Lord has taken the necessary steps to bring both parties back together.
When you read the bible, it really is best looked at as a whole. There are many horrible things you can read in the Bible, I agree - people sacrificing their children, woman being raped and mistreated, sons attempting to murder their fathers, betrayal etc. This in no way means God condones any of this but it is there to show us the fallen nature of man and how we need a savior.

Anyway, that's my two cents. Thanks everyone for posting!

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw