Joy, your statement that sixty-nine percent of New Yorkers support the mosque isn't supported by the article you referenced.

Here's what the second paragraph says.
That potent combination of beliefs and history, those closest to Mayor Bloomberg say, has fueled his defense of the proposed Muslim community center in Lower Manhattan — a defense he has mounted with emotion, with strikingly strong language and in the face of polls suggesting that most New Yorkers disagree with him. (italics added)
And I haven't read anything in this thread about "skeeery moozlims." I honestly don't know where you got that. If some protester or commentator used that term, you should take it up with that person.

Accusing one's opponent of racism or Islamophobia usually means you've run out of real arguments. I must remind you that no Islamic person was involved in the Murrah building bombing in 1995, and in fact there is no longer a Murrah building. There is a memorial on that site with the names of all 168 victims written down, and the time of the attack (9:03) is inscribed over the entrance. To my knowledge, no one has ever suggested that a memorial to McVeigh or his associates be built in downtown Oklahoma City.

I will also remind you that Timothy McVeigh was tried by in Federal court and put to death by Federal authority. The state of Oklahoma had little to do with it, beyond providing testimony and evidence to the prosecution.

I think that a multi-cultural center where Muslims and Christians and Jews and atheists and pagans and all others could go and learn about each other would be a good thing. The concern which I have expressed is that this may not be such a place, and that the Imam heading up the project may be allowing terrorists access to the people he is shepherding and providing part of the funding. Blaming Fox News for stirring up racists and Islamophobes doesn't help the discussion, nor does telling us that it isn't our business because we're not New Yorkers.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing