this suggests that all Mosques are dedicated to the glory of terrorism.
No, it doesn't. The claim that this particular mosque is dedicated to the glory of terrorism does not in any way imply the same of all mosques. I'm surprised by this argument, especially in light of the fact that the opponents of the mosque have repeatedly suggested as an acceptable compromise the building of a mosque in any other available location.

It is an easily verifiable fact that whenever a new territory was conquered in the name of Islam, a mosque was erected as a symbolic message to the world that said territory was now under the dominion of Allah. The mosque was always built up high, usually on the site of a church or other site of significance to the conquered peoples, to emphasise their submission (a type of "psychological warfare", as it were.)

1. The original namesake of this mosque ("Cordoba") was just such a mosque - erected on the site of a church, it is (if my memory serves me) the largest mosque in the world, and was built to celebrate the Islamic conquest of Spain.

2. The proponents of the mosque in NY refuse to accept any alternate location, insisting on a mosque overlooking Ground Zero. (This alone speaks volumes. Opponents have been accused of "Islamophobia" and hatred, yet they willingly accept a new mosque anywhere in NYC except here. Proponents of the mosque insist their motives are innocent, yet flat out refuse to consider any other location. Why? What is so significant about this particular site? Why is no other site acceptable?)

3. The date of dedication is set to be the 10-year anniversary of 9/11.

4. Although the supposed purpose of the mosque is to "promote dialog", the very Imam who makes this claim is on record as saying there can be NO dialog between Islam and any other religion. He has expressed his lament over the fall of the Ottoman Empire, as well as his belief that Islam will one day rule the nations and Shaira law will be the law of the land, even in countries which are now democracies (including the USA).

5. Moderate Muslims have spoken AGAINST the mosque, claiming that they (and the rest of the Islamic world) are well aware of the symbolic significance of a mosque overlooking the site of the jihadist attack on America. (And to these peace-loving Muslims, I say "Thank you!" It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to the militant side of Islam.)

Given the above, (as well as concerns over the funding of the mosque), I would say that there is a very real probability that this mosque is intended as a symbol of victory for the Islamic jihadists. In my opinion, I would be a fool (and the very epitome of a dhimmi), if I were to meekly acceed.

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster