Terry, he gave a milquetoast apology saying "I would never blame anyone except the terrorists..." Guess what, Mr. Falwell, you did. You said "you helped this happen." Then he concluded: "...if I left that impression, I apologize." What sort of impression was he trying to leave when he said "you helped this happen?" Had he made a more forceful apology or actually retracted his words, maybe I would have believed him.

And since I happen to live in the Muslim world, I can tell you France exports tons of its culture here. And Arab pop music videos are just as racy and ridiculous as the ones exported from America. I've lived with Muslim families, I've broken bread with many more. I've seen how they interact with their children. And when they tell me what makes them mad about America it's always - 'why did you sanction Iraq and let hundreds of thousands of children die from hunger and disease?' or 'why do you support Israel when it abuses the rights of the Palestinians?' or 'why do your predator drones kill so many women and children at weddings and in their homes in Afghanistan?' It's not - why do you send us Lady GaGa? Sure, the extremists are always ranting about moral decay and decadence, but the average Arab or Muslim I've interacted with doesn't give a damn about High School Musical or Brittany Spears. But despite the fact that every military intervention undertaken by NATO has been done to save Muslims, many honestly believe the US and the West are militantly hostile to the Muslim world.
