Terry, I stand by the number I used before--69% of Manhattanites support this project. When you add in the population of the other boroughs, then that number goes down to 49%...so it is a bare majority of the greater NY population who object.
CNN showed poll results on this question yesterday while I was at the gym, so I didn't hear any of the commentary associated with it. But the numbers they showed on the screen were as follows:

  • 29% approve
  • 68% oppose
  • +- 3% error margin
  • Poll taken August 6-10

I'm curious to know where your numbers are coming from, Joy, because you are the only source I've heard from with those results.

My understanding was that the above numbers were from New Yorkers who were polled during the dates listed, but I did not see the sample size or how the poll was conducted (phone, TV ad call-in, street pollsters, door-to-door, etc.), so I can't say that they're golden. We all know that polls can be skewed by the the way a poll is conducted, who is polled, what time of day the questions are asked, or how the polling questions are phrased. But it's interesting to me to see such a wide variance between one set of numbers and another.

And I do not presume to speak for you, Joy. I'm not telling you what to do or where to do it. Let me reiterate my earlier point: I'm in favor of a community center where Muslims and Jews and Christians and others can meet, greet, smile, and learn about each other. I'm just not confident that this will be such a place. If I'm wrong in that (and I hope that I am), then that's a good thing.

But if I'm not wrong -

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing