Accusing one's opponent of racism or Islamophobia usually means you've run out of real arguments. I must remind you that no Islamic person was involved in the Murrah building bombing in 1995, and in fact there is no longer a Murrah building. There is a memorial on that site with the names of all 168 victims written down, and the time of the attack (9:03) is inscribed over the entrance. To my knowledge, no one has ever suggested that a memorial to McVeigh or his associates be built in downtown Oklahoma City.
Terry, this suggests that all Mosques are dedicated to the glory of terrorism. I don't believe that this is true. Not all Muslims support terrorism. And I think an analogy that might drive this point home is this:

There are rampant Islamophobes like Bryan Fischer opposing this mosque and community center because they claim all mosques are potential terror training and recruitment centers. Because the other opponents of the mosque have not been vocal enough in denouncing Mr. Fischer and his ilk for their bigotry, I'm going to say that all opponents are Islamophobes until they denounce him and get him to stop giving their cause a bad name.

Is this fair? Of course not. I know plenty of people who don't like the mosque for reasons other than just a knee jerk hatred of Islam. To hold them responsible for Mr. Fischer's despicable statements is unfair. I would posit it is also unfair to hold all Muslims responsible for 9/11 or radical Islamism.