I'm not happy about it.

While the proposed mosque is not literally at Ground Zero, it is within a few minutes' walk of it. Since the men who took control of the aircraft and flew them into the towers were all Muslim extremists, and since very few high-ranking Muslim leaders from anywhere in the world have repudiated their actions, it feels to me as if some Muslims are trying to move in and take over a place they've already torched. While there are many Muslims in the US who heartily disapprove of the events of 9/11, for the most part they are not influential leaders in the American Muslim community.

I remember seeing video footage of Muslims dancing in the streets in Palestine and Jordan and Pakistan and other Muslim-dominated cities when news of the collapse of the Towers got out. This does not help me to believe that the man who is the public face of this effort is truly a man who is interested in peace.

This is not original with me, but I do wonder if there should be a synagogue built in Mecca?

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- Stephen King, from On Writing