It might seem that way unless you understand that the Medicare agreement is a contract. We paid into the Medicare fund all our working lives, so it isn't a freebie. But the apparent plan now is to cut Medicare funds -- which are meant for senior health care -- and take the money to fund care for the uninsured, leaving the seniors with less, and possibly restricted medical care. Sorry, but I don't want my health care taken from me to fund some twenty-year old who has not spent forty years earning the privilege. Seniors paid plenty of money into the Medicare fund so that they would have guaranteed health care in their senior years, and now the government wants to take it away. Somehow, that seems like the government is violating its contract with seniors.

In the private sector, violating a contract like that would have consequences. When it comes to the government deciding to change the terms, you're up the proverbial creek. Or do you think that it's all right to promise something like that, and have seniors pay into the fund for years, and then say, sorry, we've changed our minds?


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.