Wendy -

I must say that if you watched CNN that's probably about all you saw was those kinds of signs. Everything I saw on CNN/MSNBC/etc was the radical fringe. The only one I saw carrying the more... normal signs if you will was FOX [which iirc you don't consider 'news' - but that could have been someone else and if so I apologize] and there were TONS of them. From the pictures I've seen around, it seems the radicals were by far the minority, though that's not what was shown on the MSM. I have been to a Tea Party and know many many others across the country who have been as well [including Pam] and there were none of the offensive signs that I saw at ours - which I think is the norm. I didn't see the interview you mentioned so can't comment to that, but all of those I know that are involved [incl. some of the local leadership] has spoken against the racist signs, the Obama with the Hitler moustache etc.

Of course, I also take offense at being called a Nazi...

And a racist...

Edit: To be fair... I think, generally speaking, the crazies on either end of the spectrum generally get more air time on most channels/websites/whathaveyou than the not-crazies, because, let's face it, they're more 'interesting'.

Carol [who needs to get her kids in bed and get ready for class tomorrow :p ]