I'm glad to know that not all tea bag protests are full of racists. The one I've seen are not only full of racists, but birthers and other nutjobs, who have truly horrific signs that I would think any well-bred person would be ashamed to show.

As far as the outrage over ACORN?

ACORN has received a grand total of $53 million in federal funds over the last 15 years -- an average of $3.5 million per year. Meanwhile, not millions, not billions, but trillions of dollars of public funds have been, in the last year alone, transferred to or otherwise used for the benefit of Wall Street. Billions of dollars in American taxpayer money vanished into thin air, eaten by private contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan, led by Halliburton subsidiary KBR.

I don't want to take up too much space, but for more of why progressives don't sympathize with conservative outrage over ACORN, read the entire piece here: http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2009/09/17/acorn_hysteria/index.html