Ann, perhaps you might cite your sources?

Looking at American politics as an outsider, although as one who has studied some American history and politics at the university level (which doesn't mean a whole lot, I know smile ) I am aware that there has always been a good deal of vitriol, as Terry says, in past American Presidential politics. For a recent example, Just look at the viciousness of the recent campaign for the Democratic nomination, a good proportion of which originated from the Obama camp.

As well, there has been a tendency for most media to avoid analytical and informed discussion of issues in favour of the the irrational. (CNN is a prime example, as is Fox news I suppose athough I've not seen the latter. And don't be taking Maureen Dowd seriously,ever, ever smile )

Perhaps it seems worse to outsiders because Obama was such a successful charismatic politician? People fell for him, as they've done for other charismatic leaders. But now is the hard part - delivering the goods. And in very tough times. That's a challenge -The before and after contrast of an 'American Idol' style presidential campaign with the grim reality of 2009 'kitchen sink' drama.

Here in Canada, when the American President visited there was much star-struck excitement. smile But then came the Buy America policy and we are both wary and critical here now. The morning after so to speak. smile

At least he hasn't been accused of murder yet, as the Clintons were.

Btw, I had no idea what 'tea-bagger' referred to before I read this thread. (am I the only on these mbs who didn't know?)
