I personally have been to 3 Tea Parties and I have seen none of the signs that CNN has managed to dredge up. The signs I saw protested the excessive spending of Congress and the fear for the futures of the children and grandchildren of the Tea Party participants. Nobody compared Obama to Hitler, and nobody claimed anybody was a Nazi. There were people of all races there as well. I had conversations with a very charming lady who had come from China some thirty years ago, and a black veteran of the Navy who was worried sick that his grandkids were going to be paying for Washington's spending spree long after he was gone.

And please don't use the term "teabaggers." That was used by the opponents of the tea parties, meant to slur and insult those that attended.

This screaming of "racist" at anyone who disagrees with the president's policies strikes me as a demonstration that the accusers lack imagination. You don't start insulting your adversary when you have good arguments to advance. Besides, anyone knows that if you use an insult too many times, especially when the recipient knows that it is untrue, it loses its effect. If someone called you a creep, nowadays, would you even pay attention? I recall when one of my kids was angry at his cousin and called him a skateboard. Big insult.

Accusing an opponent of racism has previously worked to shut down debate. It is no longer working very well, and that is a bad sign in some ways, because it means that when real racism is actually demonstrated, people are going to ignore the accusation.

Aesop's fable of The Boy Who Cried Wolf had a good point, don't you think?


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.