For the record, I couldn't care less about President Obama's skin color. But I do dislike him very much because of what he is doing to my country. He is grabbing control of one private industry after another and ramming through socialized medicine with the enthusiastic cooperation of the Democrats in Congress. That last scares me to death. As a senior citizen, I cannot believe him when he says he can cut 5 hundred billion out of Medicare and still let seniors keep the same level of health care that we've been promised.

I don't want to be told that my life isn't worth the cost because someone else is younger and therefore more valuable, so take the pain pill, Nancy, and don't expect us to give you an artificial hip.

There is already a whisper of that with the vaccine for the H1N1 virus. We've been told that everyone else gets the vaccine first and then, if there is any left, those seniors under 64 will be allowed it, and after that, those over 65 will get what's left. That last includes my husband.

I see a very frightening trend here. And it's hard to like someone that scares you.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.