I don't watch CNN. I saw with my own two eyes. I heard from my own two ears. Disagreeing is valid. No one is accusing YOU of racism. But it exists throughout your movement and is your public face. Sorry.
Joy, your statement above is logically inconsistent. If, as you say, that you are getting the bulk of your information from personal experience and observation, then you are necessarily going to have a limited set of data points to draw from, and therefore stating that racism "exists throughout your movement and is your public face" is an awfully strong conclusion to draw with very little evidence. However, if you believe that the racist element is the driving force behind the entire movement and not just part of the demonstrations you have personally observed, then you're getting information from some media outlet or outlets.

I have no doubt that you saw what you say you saw. There are, as others have stated, nutjobs involved in politics on both sides. And I personally object to the Nazi comparisons (from all to all) and the undocumented accusations of criminal activity (again, from all). But I also believe that most of the people involved in the Tea Parties are not racist, and that racism is not the driving force behind these protests. I believe that, for the most part, they are citizens concerned with the direction of the country and the possible consequences of the health care plans being promoted and debated in Congress.

Just as the so-called "birthers" are using a personal attack to distract people on both sides from the real issues we're all facing, calling people "racist" without valid cause because they disagree with you distracts from the real issues. If we're going to talk about the issues, let's talk about them. Let's not call each other names. And I'm not referring to this thread only, but to the dialogue in general.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing