And if you stick to CNN or the New York Times, you're going to miss a lot of what's going on, because they're just refusing to cover things, or to cover things fairly. Have they yet done any stories on the series of undercover videos at ACORN offices?
I don't read the New York Times; being in Canada, I tend to read the Globe and Mail and the local newspaper here wink

ACORN has been extensively covered by CNN, both online and on the TV news. I haven't watched a lot of the TV news coverage, but I've seen it in the 'upcoming' summaries. I watch when I'm on the treadmill, and depending on the time of day and what's on I flip between BBC news, CBC (that's Canadian Broadcasting Company!) and CNN.

Is this related to Fox News' allegations that other networks don't cover certain stories? I know Fox paid for an ad in newspapers today making the ludicrous assertion that other networks did not cover the anti-government protest in DC last weekend. That's so untrue that it's laughable; I saw coverage of the march on CNN last Saturday and analysis of it on Sunday. It was a major news story. I saw film of the marches, and interviews with protesters - and they weren't only showing fringe elements; they were showing ordinary people with the kind of anti-big-government and anti-stimulus-spending views that have been reflected throughout what I've seen of those protests on CNN (yes, I've occasionally also seen film of pretty nasty posters, but that might be a one-second moment in a three-minute segment). I don't know what Fox thinks it's up to with that ad; it seems kind of insulting to Fox viewers to me, because it suggests that, on something that's so easily disproved, you wouldn't find out the truth of the matter on your own. huh


Just a fly-by! *waves*