Good to hear that CNN's been covering things; they've been caught being very dismissive of conservative protesters before. MSNBC is worse, though. Did you hear anything about Van Jones before he resigned? Lots of conservative blogs claim that the MSM was ignoring it/covering for the White House, but as I don't actually watch much TV, I'm not a good judge.

Haven't seen or read about the FOX ad, but that's never stopped me from commenting on anything before goofy I assume they're trying to increase their market share (or make their own audience feel smug, maybe?), but as you say, when it's something easily disproven, it's not a smart move.

Re the Tea Parties, yes, please, stick with "Tea Party" not that ugly slur. I'm not entirely sure what "teabagging" is but I know it's something dirty/sexual and that I don't want to know any more than that. smile I've been to two of these now, and my issue is the overall appalling governmental overreach in so many areas. It was bad enough when it started under Bush but with Obama it's quadrupled.

Plus the man doesn't seem to have a clue how businesses work (and why should he? like too many people in government, he's never had a private-sector job). He keeps talking about companies taking profits "off the top" or about them being "overhead." As an accounting major, I can assure you "overhead" is expenses like rent, insurance, salaries, taxes, etc. Profit is whatever's left after you're finished paying your expenses. Anyway... Captain Clueless wants to take over vast sectors of the economy, and I can't help thinking that it's a very very bad idea.


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K