Vicki, I admit that I speak not exactly knowing I am right, but only thinking I am right. So yes, I could be wrong.

My impression, however, is that the hatred directed at President Obama is different and worse than the hatred that was directed at President Bush. My impression is that President Obama is generally much more popular abroad than President Bush was. (Not all countries, admittedly, feel that way, and I personally believe that the Poles, for example, miss President Bush.)

However, the situation in the United States is another matter. I don't recall that the kind of "homeland protests" that we see against President Obama were also seen in the same scope, number and perseverence against President Bush.

What I find most interesting is that I read somewhere that those who monitor the level and severity of the threats directed at the President say that the number of what appears to be serious "homeland death threats" against the President has risen 400% during Obama's presidency. In other words, there are four times as many serious homeland death threats directed President Obama as there were serious homeland death threats directed at President Bush.

My impression as a foreigner is that there is more domestic hatred against President Obama than there was against President Bush. If I am right about that, the reason could be either that there are more people who hate President Obama than there were people who hated President Bush. Alternatively, those who hate President Obama may hate him with a greater zeal and intensity than was generally displayed by those who hated President Bush.
