Joy -

Believe me, many conservatives are ticked off over the billions to Wall Street and elsewhere as well. See Pam's list for starters.

Of course, ACORN was also paid well over 800G by the Obama campaign and are being investigated in a number of states for voter fraud. It the culture of corruption and that they are so closely tied to Obama that is a big part of it [does that mean everyone in ACORN is corrupt? Of course not. It's very possible the filmmakers were turned away in places, too, though I haven't heard. But when it happens in multiple places in multiple states, you have to wonder how many people are just turning a blind eye... Even Jon Stewart said:
Where were the real reporters on this story? You know what investigative media? Give me camera three. Where the hell were you? You know who broke this story? These two. You're telling me that two kids from the cast of "High School Musical 3" can break this story with a video camera and their grandmother's chinchilla coat and you got nothing? I'm a fake journalist and I'm embarrassed these guys scooped me. Let's get to work, people.
and to this point, as far as I've seen [though I haven't looked today], you won't find it in the MSM.]

iTunes has now downloaded which means I can activate my 'new' iPhone - off to play wink .
