I saw the Fox ad, Terry, so I know which news outlets are referred to. And it leaves me absolutely gobsmacked, because I was watching CNN during my treadmill sessions last weekend and the main item on Saturday, and at least close to top billing on Friday and Sunday, was that protest. A short while ago, I saw CNN's response to the Fox ad - they're actually pointing out (1) that Bill O'Reilly on Fox begins one of his items last weekend with CNN covered the Tea Party protest in Washington... (or words very similar to that), and (2) the photo used in the bottom right-hand corner of the Fox ad is actually taken from CNN's tower camera and is the same photo CNN had on its large background screen during studio coverage of the protests. Angle's the same, the Canadian flag in the bottom corner's the same, the crowd formation's the same.

Apparently ABC and MSNBC are also objecting to the claim that they didn't cover the event, and Fox has so far declined to comment.

huh You're always going to get differing journalistic priorities; even news programmes with pretty much the same political slant editorially (eg the BBC and ITN in the UK) may make different decisions on what to cover, what to lead with and so on. I'd expect coverage to be different regardless of the news outlet, though naturally Fox is going to put a lot more emphasis on protests against a Democratic leadership (though I take the point that some of the reasons for the protest existed under President Bush also).


Just a fly-by! *waves*