The only religion my two kids have been raised in is "The Golden Rule" and they are turning out pretty damn fine. I personally think that if everyone made an effort to just live life and try to incorporate that "Do unto others" concept (and lots of other faiths outside of "Christians" have versions of this in their creeds) that there would be a lot less sadness in this world...excepting of course the psychopaths and sociopaths but then they always play by their own set of rules anyhow, right?? All this worry over heaven and hell and how the neighbours are running their lives when we can create a better place here and now by treating others with the same kindness and caring that we'd hope they show to us. Idealistic I know but it works for me and many others to whom religion has lost all meaning and who want to live life at peace with themselves.

Femme fatale with a hopelessly romantic heart!