Much earlier, Ann commented:
But wasn't it the Jews themselves that wanted Jesus to be killed? Well, the Gospels say so, but I don't believe it. I can see no reason for a majority of the Jews to turn against Jesus.
Ann, the Gospels do not state that the entire nation of Israel wanted Jesus to die. The religious rulers, the puppet king Herod, and Pilate all awkwardly and almost unintentionally conspired to put Jesus on the cross. The majority of Jews didn't even know the trial was happening until it was over, and by then there was no way to stop the execution.

And Pilate, if we recall, was threatened with a report to his superiors that he was ignoring a situation which went against the current Roman religious system. The Romans didn't care if their conquered nations kept their own religions, but they did care if someone claimed to be a king without their permission. And that was what Pilate was threatened with. Remember also that Pilate wasn't eager to execute Jesus, and only did so when the mob outside his residence appeared to choose Barabbas over Jesus. All Pilate was doing was the same thing that politicians have done for centuries: cover his own assets.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing