This is a picture of a witch burning in Europe, probably in the 16th or 17th century. The people who made the witch burnings happen were Christians, too. Why didn't they rein themselves in?
As we all seemed to have concluded, it was about POWER, back in 16/17 century the land and property of the folks burned as witches (and it wasn't just women it was men burned too) got turned over to...THE CHURCH or whatever governing power was involved with the church at the time. Per everybody's reasoning so far, you have to blame the PEOPLE after power at the time. What it seems we have learned in our short 200+ years as a democractic republic nation is when some folk get too power hungry, they will get SHUT DOWN (and not quite understanding how other nations that have been around much longer haven't seemed to have caught on to this)

After the Jim Jones disaster(which was really more about communism than religion) a majority of mainstream MODERN Christian groups toned down the zealotry, not unenthusiastic about spreading the Gospel, mind you, but cutting off militant tactics.

Now we have folks like Billy Graham, Charles Stanley, and Jim Hagge out there, doing nothing with the power they've been given, but spreading the Gospel, trying to get as many folk saved before the Rapture as they can. To me that is a noble and loving goal, so I have a huge problem with theatrical hand-wringing about Christianity even being anywhere a danger that radical Islam is which is REALLY, honestly what this thread started out as.

Now you can go off wondering hypothetically what would happen if a bunch of Christians got voted into office(oh the horror eek )how they'd force all their policy on the poor liberal minority, but the fact is, the US is going exactly the opposite direction. You can comfort yourself knowing that recent events and trends have proved that a majority of folks nowdays have stopped raising their children with morals or ethics.

When policy on saving trees becomes more important than stopping the murder of unborn babies, it's time for Christians to start looking to the Heavens, because we all know we're not really meant to be here anyway and it's this knowledge(and hope) that comforts me when the realization of the hellmouth this nation has become crashes in on me.



Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!